It sits unassumingly in many grocery store's bulk bins around the country. A beige rhizome that looks knobby, and when you crisply snap it, reveals a bright yellow fibrous inside.

Perhaps you've passed by this odd looking spice mistaking it for some sort of root vegetable that only your mother from the old country would use in creating her trademark tonic. Actually ginger root is a versatile herb and one of our favorites.
Culinary Uses and Health Benefits
Ginger root has an exotic and deep earthy flavor perfect for a wide range of cooking uses. As a powder, we love to add it to drinks (like our Golden Cocoa), soups, curries, and sauces. Mince it for pan-cooked meals, in a salad, or added to meat before cooking.
The uses for ginger don't stop with dried powders and mincing, but also include dehydrating it for quick little snack bites, and making candied ginger chews for a tummy taming treat. Many cultures also make a version of ginger beer (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), ginger ale, and ginger lemon tonics.
But why is ginger used so much in food, drinks, and recipes? Simply—it's great tasting and has health benefits!
The Health Benefits of Ginger Root
Ginger root and ginger powder have long histories of being used to treat and ultimately benefit human health. Ginger was one of the first spices to be traded from the Orient, and was used to treat a number of common health problems by:
- Easing Nausea
- Reducing Inflammation
- Improving Cardiovascular Health
- Acting As A Carcinogenic Detox Agent
- Calming Coughs
- Relieving Muscle Pain
These are just some of the myriad well-researched benefits of ginger! It's also why we include it in our products. Especially for its anti-inflammatory power, that alone makes for a great addition to our Golden Cocoa.
Many home remedies like throat sprays, cold and flu tonics, and even baths include ginger.
Some Great Ways To Use Ginger
Use ginger root in:
- Making your own ginger ale with honey—no need for sugar!
- Keto and Paleo friendly gingerbread cookies—perfect for strict diets.
- Soups, curries, and stir-fry by mincing and dropping it into the food.
Feel a cold coming? Got a sore throat? Ginger root to the rescue!
Ginger Tea Recipe
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
Thumb-sized Ginger Root sliced
1-2 Teaspoon Honey
Boil water and pour over the ingredients, let it sit for maximum strength. Then drink while still warm.
Ginger tea can give you the needed boost to conquer the cough or cold sneaking up on you! With these great reasons to use ginger, we are sure you'll find ways to add it to your daily routine.
One of the easiest ways to get more ginger in your diet is with our Golden Cocoa. It's a great anti-inflammatory drink that goes perfect in coffee and recipes. It's also one of the best and most delicious ginger and turmeric hot cocoa drinks you'll ever find.
What do you enjoy ginger in?
happy to learn about gingers cough suppresent benefits
Very interesting ginger info,, thanks. We need to try the homemade ginger ale idea
Love that it’s in your healthy hot chocolate golden cocoa drink mix! We love that stuff!!
we often put fresh minced ginger root in stirfrys. this tea recipe sounds great too. soothing. i think we’ll like it!